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Video contest: How does music impact your NC State experience?

We’ve extended the deadline to March 18! 

Has music made an impact on your NC State experience? We want to hear about it! Send us your videos—30 seconds or less—about how music has shaped your time on campus. It can be anything! We want to hear your voice, in whatever form that takes, and see your creativity shine.

The creators of our three favorite videos will win $50 Target gift cards. We’ll also choose one entry at random to win a pizza party for the music department ensemble or music-affiliated student organization of your choice (so the more students in your ensemble/org who enter, the better your chances of winning). All entries may be featured on our social channels during Day of Giving on March 25, and beyond! Here are the rules:

Open to current NC State students with active student ID only. Videos are due Wednesday, March 18 at 11:59 p.m. Multiple entries allowed, but each submitted video must be unique (i.e. multiple people cannot submit the same video, or you cannot submit the same video multiple times). You can direct message them to us on Instagram @ncstatemusic or upload them to Google Drive and share them with eazander@ncsu.edu. Please stick to 30 seconds or less. Be sure your video addresses the question, “How does music impact your NC State experience?” in whatever way most resonates with you. Contact Erin Zanders at eazander@ncsu.edu with any questions.
