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Student Spotlight: CJ Patterson

August 2024 Student Spotlight: CJ Patterson

A woman sitting on steps.

The Department of Performing Arts and Technology provides opportunities for NC State students of any major to cultivate, explore, and pursue their interests in arts entrepreneurship, dance, music and music technology. Our Spotlight Series showcases members of the Wolfpack and how they have included dance and music during their time at NC State experience and beyond.

This month’s spotlight is on CJ Patterson, a third-year student from Graham, North Carolina, majoring in sociology and minoring in Spanish. She spends much of her time in the studio and on the stage as a dancer in the Panoramic Dance Project. Keep reading to learn more about CJ and her experience as a student performer.

CJ Patterson performs in the Panoramic Dance Project Spring Concert (2024). Photo by Jillian Clark.

“I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing CJ’s growth as a student, performer, and company member. Currently in her third year with the Panoramic Dance Project, she consistently exhibits kindness, dedication, adaptability, and creativity. In addition to her artistic pursuits, she remains deeply devoted to her academic endeavors and is preparing to study abroad next spring. NC State Dance is fortunate to have her as part of our program.”

Christa Oliver,
Director of the Panoramic Dance Project

Spotlight Q&A

What role does dance play in your life?

Dance has been a part of my life that has always helped keep me grounded. The processes and emotions it takes to be a dancer have taught me endless life lessons that I am still carrying with me today. I continue to dance to keep myself connected to how it has made me feel since the age of three when I started.

What has been a highlight of your experience as a dancer at NC State?

The highlight of my experience has been getting to work with many different artists and teachers throughout my time here. Whether it has been choreography or classes, each artist has brought new techniques and perspectives to dance that I was unaware of before. It keeps me in a constant state of learning.

What are you looking forward to as you continue your involvement with the department and your dance company?

I am looking forward to what we have coming up in Panoramic. I have talked a little with Christa Oliver, the director, about some potential styles, and I am very excited to get back to work with everyone. It is going to be great!

What advice do you have for incoming students who are interested in participating in dance at NC State?

My best advice would be to go to performances and take master classes! I already knew I wanted to be a part of a dance company out of high school, so it was really only a matter of which. I attended both performances and master classes my freshman year and it really solidified my interest in joining a company. Also just getting involved by taking a technique class for a specific style and introducing yourself to the admin is a great way to get involved. I haven’t met anyone in the dance program that isn’t passionate about what they do.

The Department of Performing Arts and Technology offers students of any major the opportunity to study dance through academic courses and first-hand experience in choreography and performance. Whether you want to take a class, join a company or attend a performance, you can experience dance at NC State.
