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Student Spotlight: Niko Badalamenti

September 2024 Student Spotlight: Niko Badalamenti

Saxophonist performing in a recital.
Niko Badalamenti performs in a music performance minor recital.

The Department of Performing Arts and Technology provides opportunities for NC State students of any major to cultivate, explore, and pursue their interests in arts entrepreneurship, dance, music and music technology. Our Spotlight Series showcases members of the Wolfpack and how they have included dance and music during their time at NC State experience and beyond.

This month’s spotlight is on Niko Badalamenti, a fourth-year student from Charlotte, NC. Badalamenti is currently studying human biology and has completed a minor in music performance with a concentration in saxophone. You may recognize him from a Jazz Orchestra concert or Jazz Combo performance on Stafford Commons or in Talley Student Union. Keep reading to learn more about Niko and his experience as a student performer.

Niko Badalamenti performs in a Jazz Orchestra concert (2023). Photo by Roze Schenstrom.

“Niko will always be one of those students who inspires me to be a better teacher.  Even after he graduates and goes on to do all of the great things he will do with his career, I’ll never forget his work ethic, determination, curiosity, and, most importantly, the way he lifts the spirits of everyone he’s around.  Niko is one of those students who reminds us of why we do what we do as educators, and I am so grateful to have had him in the jazz program at NC State these last 4 years.  He will be hard to replace after he graduates this year, but the influence he has had on the many students in our jazz program has certainly helped set the stage for our continued growth and success.

Wes Parker,
Director of Jazz Studies

Spotlight Q&A

What role does music play in your life?

I always knew I wanted to study jazz since I was little. I never really had the chance to pursue it until I came to State. I began to flourish after taking private lessons and joining a few jazz ensembles. I surrounded myself with people that had the same passion I have for this music. I still spend so much time studying jazz music because I love it. It’s such a great creative outlet for me. This music allows me to say things that words alone can’t convey. It will always be a big part of my life.

What has been a highlight of your experience as a musician at NC State?

There have been many highlight experiences since my time at NC State. One of the biggest was when the Jazz Orchestra went to Chicago for the Midwestern Band Convention. It was so much fun to travel with my friends from school and make incredible music along the way. I also had a lot of fun recording a live studio album with my Jazz combo. It was also a big learning experience to play in a studio setting. Even though this wasn’t one experience, I have a lot of fond memories of playing outside at Wolf Plaza with my friends every Friday during my freshman and sophomore year.

What’s next for you?

I plan on applying to medical school early next year. I also plan on continuing playing in the Jazz community at home, whether that’s playing at jam sessions or outside in the park!

What advice do you have for incoming students who are interested in participating in music at NC State?

Lean into your hobbies!! It will help you discover things about yourself. It will also help your mental health when you’re struggling with difficult classes.

The Department of Performing Arts and Technology provides educational and performance opportunities for students and community members through a variety of musical experiences and academic courses.
